Tuesday, September 30, 2008

weekend update

This weekend David's dad came for a visit. The kiddos seemed to enjoy his company, but it drives me nuts that he is so partial to Scarlett. I hope it changes as they get older, but if it doesn't I am afraid it will mess up his relationship with Matthew. Time will tell, and I don't guess I can let it worry me now.

Saturday night we went to the Tigers/Rays baseball game. The Rays clinched their division Friday night (thanks to a Boston loss) so the outcome of the game didn't matter. I had sworn off the Tigers a couple of years ago but because David's dad is a Rays fan and David bought tickets from a season ticket holder (so we weren't giving the Tigers any money...they already made their buck off the tickets), I agreed we would go. Our seats were 8 rows behind the Rays dugout, and during the breaks between innings, we watched all the kids go down to try go get balls. Finally David's dad took Matthew down for their chance. They went down a few times with no luck, but then David's dad came back and said one of the pitchers promised to get them a ball at the next break. We were hoping it would be signed, but when they got it it was not. Oh well, it's still really awesome to have a ball, right? The people around us were all really nice too - the people behind us gave us tickets to ride the carousel and ferris wheel. We took Matthew on them & he had a blast. We got back to our seats and thanked the people again, then Matthew turned around and started telling them all about riding the tiger and riding in the baseballs. (The carousel has tigers on it, and the ferris wheel is all baseballs.) I think they enjoyed hearing from him how much he enjoyed it. The Tigers won the game and we all had a good time. There were fireworks after the game, and Scarlett LOVED the fireworks. She sat there and pointed and clapped - it was so cute!

Off to knit :)

1 comment:

nancy said...

Why is he partial to her?

And I couldn't finish reading due to your "due to a boston loss". booo.