Wednesday, September 10, 2008

the best kids

I guess every parent thinks they have the best kids. If not the smartest, maybe sweetest, the funniest, the prettiest, or the best singer, best dancer, best baseball player, whatever, but the best at something. Mine are pretty much the best to me. :)

Scarlett is so happy. She wakes up and when I get to her crib she flashes a huge smile and reaches her arms up to me. She often does the same thing when I walk in the room that she's in. She will stop playing and look up and smile or laugh. She's just delightful. She's also really good at entertaining herself. She will sit and play alone for a long time, but then suddenly decide she wants a little momma lovin' and she climbs up in my lap to hug and kiss me. Then she goes right back to playing. Could it get any better?

But it does! Matthew is such a sweet boy. He's rough & tumble too, he plays hard and likes to be rough, but he also gives the absolute best hugs I've ever had. That little guy will wrap his arms around you in a way that I can't even put words to. He's so cuddly and it's just so real. He's full of love.

I can't count the blessings when it comes to these kids - I'm so lucky to be their mom. Even on days that don't go like I want them to, or days I'm not feeling up to being a mom, they make me realize how good I have it.

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