Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I'm exhausted. See, I have this crazy thing - I can't go to sleep in our bed at our house if David's not there with me. Well, I exaggerate - i can go to sleep but it takes forever! Normally if he's home I don't even try. He's been having to work a lot of extra hours lately. This is his busy time of year due to certain annual reports they do, so combining that with the recent layoffs and reduced staff means a lot of extra work for everyone. He's pulled at least 3 all nighters in the last 2 weeks, and several other nights where he worked until 2-3am and then was back up at 6 or 7. Most of these nights I stay downstairs with him and fall asleep on the couch. Last night I got wrapped up in a "new" tv series that we dvr'd last fall and never watched. I was also knitting. I ended up watching 8 of the shows (one hour shows) and finally at 3am told him I was going to bed. He said he wasn't. I went up and it took me an hour to fall asleep even though I was so tired. So today I'm living on caffiene and still having trouble keeping my eyes open. I hope this crazy work schedule ends soon.

It is insane that I can't sleep without him in our bed. I've been this way since we got married. Even though I travelled for work almost every week for 6 years, and I never had trouble sleeping alone in a hotel room, I can't do it at home. ARGH! I need to get over this huh?

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