Tuesday, September 23, 2008

life is good

We had a great weekend. Busy but great. We flew to Atlanta Friday evening, took the train to our hotel, and finally got settled in around 10pm. The kids were pretty good on the flight - we fed them supper so that took a decent part of the trip and then they enjoyed looking around and playing with the window shade. Matthew has always enjoyed putting the shade up & down. He was so much fun getting around Friday - he loves everything transportation related, so he loved that we rode a bus, plane, and train. (We used a park & ride lot near the airport here so we took a bus from the car to the airport.) He told everyone that asked that we rode a bus and we were going to ride a plane and go to Georgia Tech to see Buzz and football. He was so excited and just seemed to really soak it all in.

When we got on the elevator to get to the train, he loudly exclaimed "it stinks" - which it did! I swear everything Marta related smells like urine but some stations and trains are definitely worse than others. Gag.

Saturday we had a busy day. David had his recruiting event most of the morning, so he headed to campus around 9. I stayed at the hotel with the kiddos and some friends came over to visit. We sat around the room so Scarlett could nap and just visited. I had taken toys and my former boss played football with Matthew. Matthew loved it. We usually don't let him throw balls in the house, but I had taken a nerf football and moved all the lamps in the hotel room. When I got Matthew dressed for the game he wanted to know where his football helmet was and I told him I left it home. He told me he would just play without it. When it got near kickoff time, we told my friends goodbye and I packed up the kiddos to walk to the stadium. We met up with David and went to the game. It is a different experience watching a game with kids than without. And the older they get the more rambunctious they are, so I didn't pay a lot of attention to the game. I did enjoy watching Matthew as he played and watched for Buzz. Near the end of the game Buzz came over to our section of the stands and Matthew went down to say hi. I didn't get a good picture because as soon as Matthew got to Buzz we scored another touchdown and Buzz had to go to pushups. Fortunately Buzz high-fived Matthew and rubbed his head before heading off. That was the highlight of Matthew's day.

Scarlett was pretty oblivious to it all. She liked climbing around the bleachers and trying to see what was in people's cups! We entertained her most of the game with a big cup of ice.

After the game we went back to the hotel for naps, but Scarlett wasn't cooperative. We then met up with more friends for dinner. It was a good time.

All was well until Scarlett woke up screaming around 3:45 Sunday morning. Neither David nor I could settle her, so I finally offered the boob. That did the job, until she was full and spit it all up! I had to change both of us, then I put her back down. Ten minutes later she was screaming again. I decided to let her fuss for a few minutes (yeah go ahead, bash me, whatever) even though she was in the room with Matthew. We realized he had woken up because he started singing to her, trying to settle her down. Melt. That boy is just so sweet (most of the time!). Scarlett finally went back to sleep a little after 6. David & I were exhausted.

Sunday morning we met an online friend for breakfast. Unfortunately we were all tired and not very talkative. Scarlett was disagreeable about everything and all my attention had to be on her. After breakfast we went to the Georgia Aquarium. Scarlett took a quick catnap on the train and was in a better mood once we got there. Matthew also cheered up when we saw the fish. Then it was back to the airport and home again! We all crashed pretty early and slept late yesterday!

Yesterday was a rough day and I thought I was about to hit the breaking point, but we survived. Today has been great! Matthew & Scarlett have been loving on each other a lot - it is so sweet. Life is good.

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