Thursday, August 14, 2008


I did much better on the weight loss train this week. I lost another 2 lbs, which means I'm down a little from where I was 2 weeks ago. I'm still kicking myself about last week's gain, but at least I'm back on track now. So, over the last 2 weeks I've lost 0.5 lbs...not as much as in normal weeks, but a loss is a loss.

I lost another point this week, which actually I lost and gained back last week. I am really struggling to stay under my points target now, and I'm kinda freaking out about staying under it when I stop nursing Scarlett. I'll lose another 6 points in the process of weaning her. So, anyone who has done WW before, what are your favorite zero or low point snacks? Low point meals? How do you find TIME to boost your activity?


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the move downward on the scale. I'm tryng to gear up to get back on the WW train.

I did WW about 4 years ago and lost 42 pounds in about 5 months time. I was extra motivated because my BFF's wedding was fast approaching and she weighed 96 pounds and I had to stand next to her.

I'm a chip addict and ice cream junkie too. The only way I could stick with it was to eat baked chips and salsa or smartpop popcorn daily and skinny cow ice cream sandwiches a few times a week. I believe all of those are two point snacks. I did find some one point Kroger brand fudgesicles that I really liked too.

Has the point system changed from what it was 4-5 years ago? Do you have the point ranges handy that you could email me? I really need to do it again, but I have no idea where my books are. I did find my handy little points counter calculator and it still works.

Kaci said...

Thanks Krista. I have no idea what the points were 4-5 years ago, I haven't done WW since before I got married 11 years ago. It's changed a LOT since then.

I'd be happy to send you the info, but I don't have your email address - if you want to leave it in a comment (I have comment moderation on so I won't publish it) then I'll gladly send you the info.