Tuesday, August 12, 2008

cuteness and a hurting backside

I promise the cuteness has nothing to do with the backside. I just would rather make one post than two. Anyway, my behind is so sore. We took a family bike ride Sunday - David hooked the trailer to his bike & we rode along the river to a park, then through most of the park, and stopped for lunch at a playground. Matthew and Scarlett played for a while, and then we ate. It was SO windy while we were eating that I had goose bumps! Crazy...it's August & we've been riding bikes yet I complain about being cold! While we ate I asked David to move the trailer to my bike so that I could see if I could haul it, in case I want to ride while he's at work. I really wasn't sure I could haul an extra 60 lbs, but I wanted to try. We decided to skip the river trail because it was crazy windy & we were both kinda hurting. I did pull the kiddos & trailer all the way home though. I was kinda proud of myself, but honestly I couldn't tell a big difference between riding with the trailer & riding without. We ended up riding a little over 20 miles, and boy does my behind know it!

Now for the cute stuff:
Matthew's imagination is going wild lately. He's been eating ice cream cones, made out of a ball from his ball popper placed on top of the circle from his shape sorter. He's been playing the violin when we get him ready for bed - the violin is a bottle of baby magic lotion and he uses his bar for the bow. And Sunday he was playing golf in the house, with a stuffed ball and a toy screwdriver as the club. He got a ring from his ring stacker to use as the hole. When he hit the ball in the hole we clapped and suddenly he took a bow. He wrapped his arm around his waist and bent over! We were cracking up it was so cute. Have no idea where he learned it! I would love to have video, but lately when I pull out the camera he throws his hands in front of his face.

We think bowing must run in the family - David told his mom about Matthew and she said that when he played t-ball and went up to the plate to bat, the parents in the stand cheered and he turned and took a bow!

Scarlett mimics everything Matthew does. Last night at supper David was trying to get my attention for a second and said "Kac" - then Matthew started calling me "Kac" and eventually Scarlett was saying it too.

At naptime and bedtime, Matthew and Scarlett are willing to give each other sugar. They are so sweet - usually for Scarlett's morning nap, Matthew will tell me he doesn't want kisses, but she will kiss him on the cheek anyway. Then as I walk to the stairs, Matthew says "I do want to give Scarlett kiss" - so I take her back and he kisses her. Other times there is no "battle" over it, they just give each other kisses on the cheek. Scarlett also waves like crazy and says "bye" anytime I take her or Matthew upstairs.

And the gross stuff:
Scarlett has been picking her nose lately! I don't know why, and I try to tell her to stop, but I don't want to call attention to it because I'm afraid if Matthew sees it that HE will start picking HIS nose. What's a mom to do?

And the words no one wants to hear:
This morning when I got home from the gym, the house was quiet. Since everyone was still asleep, I got in the shower. When I got out I heard Matthew making a little noise, but it seemed he was playing quietly in his room. I put my pajamas back on & went upstairs, thinking Scarlett had probably woken up and David put her in bed with him. That meant he couldn't get up unless she woke up again or I came up. (We won't leave her in our bed without us.) So I went up and saw that she was still asleep in her crib. I went in our room and David was getting up. I crawled back in bed with my book! Nice. Until a few minutes later I heard Matthew - "mommy...there is shooey all over my room." Not so nice. I had visions of him playing in his poop, but thankfully it was just a really bad diaper that leaked out the edges and as he played it kept leaking. When I got to his room, he did have it all over his hands, but I think he had kinda crawled through it not realizing it was there. I was thankful he didn't play in it, and that once he got it on his hands he called me to come take care of it.

And the pat on the back:
For our health insurance, we have to take a health appraisal every year. I just completed it and it gave me a score of 98 out of 100! Last year's score was 87/100, so I've shown a good bit of improvement. I think it's due to my weight loss, increased exercise, and the fact that I had bloodwork done a couple of weeks ago and knew my cholesterol numbers to fill in. Last year I had to check "don't know."

1 comment:

nancy said...

Congrats on the bike riding AND the high score on your health assessment! Yay!!