Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ugh - bad week

I knew this was a bad week, weight wise. I didn't so much overeat, but I ate things that aren't very good for me. It started Saturday with our party - then I had yummies leftover, things that I rarely eat, and things that it's hard to have in my house without eating, things that I enjoy so I didn't want to throw them away. So I totally knew I was setting myself up for a bad week, but I enjoyed the cake, brownies, ice cream, and baked beans anyway. I even ate hot dogs & chips for lunch. I didn't expect to GAIN weight though! I expected to hold steady, and that would have been ok. Gaining...not acceptable.

So today, the rest of the leftovers are going in the trash. (Beth, if you want the brownies get here pronto!)

I do have to pat myself on the back just a little though. Because even though I gained this week, I did much better than the old me would have done. I cut the brownies smaller than normal, and I only ate two per day. Which is like eating less than one of my normal size cuts. And eating ONE of my normal size cuts per day would be an accomplishment, since in the past I would have eaten two or three, sometimes even four, in a day. Seriously, a pan of brownies never lasts from Saturday to Wednesday in our house, much less when it's shared at a party. And it's unheard of that I have leftovers to throw away. While I'm harping on what an accomplishment this is, I should state for the record that David called these "the best batch of brownies I ever made". The time is never exactly what the box says, just because of the way I make them, but these came out perfect...just a smidge undercooked so that they were nice & gooey, but not raw, and a minute more they would have started to get dry. Perfect! We did finish off the cake last night, but a lot of that is due to me sending BIG chunks home with other people. We just didn't have much of it leftover.

So yeah, I gained 1.5 lbs this week, but the old me would have probably gained 5. Maybe more, since the new me went to the gym 3 times, and the old me wouldn't have done that. I am learning some control. That feels good.

1 comment:

nancy said...

you are doing awesome. Don't let such a monor setback bother you. Look at that ticker! 32 lbs!! holy crap!!!

And - I just wanted to let you know I may answer your tattoo comment soon. I read it and things had just been happening, well, you know.