Wednesday, August 13, 2008

pee & poop

You'd think that's all we do around here, huh? Last night when Scarlett got out of the bathtub she was running around naked and suddenly squatted in the middle of the room & peed. David had stepped out of the bathroom (where Matthew was still in the tub) and was standing where he could see what Scarlett did. He was kinda smart-assy* about it and said "you might want to get a diaper on her."

I clean up and diaper her while David goes back in the bathroom to get Matthew out of the tub. Then I hear "you don't poop in the tub, you sit on the potty to do that." So I tell him instead of minding mine & Scarlett's business maybe he should mind his & Matthew's. Then I say, real smart-assy, "and maybe you should get a diaper on him." I'm so glad he has bath duty.

*I know smart-assy isn't really a word, but I like the sound of it.

1 comment:

IdleMindOfBeth said...

I love it when karma bites you in the ass! LOL