Monday, January 7, 2008

Scarlett's 6 month & Matthew's 2 year well check-ups

Friday afternoon we had pediatrician appointments for Scarlett's 6 month and Matthew's 2 year. SO hard to believe they are that old already! All morning I tried to prepare Matthew for the visit by talking about how we would go to the doctor's office & the doctor would weigh him and measure him, and then check him out. I was still surprised when we turned into the parking lot of the doctor's office & he started saying "doctor, where are you?" He did great though - the whole time he was being weighed & measured, and then while we were waiting on the doctor to come in. I had packed a couple of his race cars for him to play with and he was having fun playing when she knocked & came in. He looked up & said "hey doctor" then immediately went back to playing, including keeping up a stream of chatter about the cars. She went through the "development questions" and then commented on what great sentences he made. She wants us to see an ENT about Matthew's ears - he had a small hole in his eardrum and based on the last infection she thought it should be healed by now. She also seemed a little concerned about his flat feet, but then she said it didn't concern her enough to refer us to a specialist. Then David mentioned that our ortho hadn't been concerned about them either and she seemed surprised. We had to remind her that he had bilateral clubfoot. I guess they are pretty well corrected if she can't tell!

After she finished Matthew's exam, she checked Scarlett out. She got onto us a little for not already introducing solids, but the timing just hasn't been good and we were planning to start Saturday anyway. (HONEST, we were!) She said Scarlett is perfect but that she can tell Scarlett will be the one to get into everything. Uh-oh! Scarlett had 2 shots & an oral vaccine and did great for them. They were out of flu shots so Matthew didn't have to get any shots this visit.

Their stats:
Scarlett (6 months):
weight: 16 lbs 6 oz
length: 26-1/4"
head: 43 cm

Matthew (2 years):
weight: 30 lbs
length: 37" (note: there is a OWT that if you double their height at 2 years it tells you how tall they will be as an adult...6'2" isn't bad)
head: 50 cm

We are very pleased with Scarlett's weight gain since her 4 month visit. We already knew from the daycare reports that she was taking the bottle better, but it's very reassuring to see her putting on some weight.

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