Thursday, January 31, 2008

OMG Nipple Pain

I have been having serious nipple pain the last couple of days. They started bothering me about a week and a half ago, only hurting when Scarlett was nursing. It got worse & worse until yesterday when she nursed & I pumped I was in tears. My big fear was that I might be pregnant. (Now I know a lot of you might want to be pregnant, but understand that with a 2 year old & a 7 month old, I do not.) Last time I had nipple pain, I was nursing Matthew and pregnant with Scarlett, so that was the only experience I could refer to. I have an IUD so I knew the chances were slim, but always possible...yesterday I POAS and THANK GOD it was negative!

Scarlett has been a super nurser from day 1. We had a little trouble around 3 months when she just refused to nurse after 4pm a couple of days - it just freaked me out that she was going over 12 hours without nursing! She also hates bottles & solids, she will eat a little but she really loves her mommy's boobies.

Yesterday I called the pediatrician, their LC told me that it was most likely teething! WHAT?!? When I told her I didn't think that was the problem she told me that maybe Scarlett is LOSING INTEREST in nursing! She obviously didn't understand. So I looked up the local La Leche League leader. Thank goodness I was able to call someone who is a real "boob nazi" - she talked to me for a few minutes & quickly said it sounded like thrush (a yeast infection on my boobies & probably in Scarlett's mouth). She told me to call my OB for a prescription. This morning I did that, but my OB was out of her office. They wanted me to come in NEXT WEEK! I just lost it, started bawling right there on the phone, to the point that I couldn't even talk. I know this probably has some of you rolling your eyes, but this has progressed to the worst pain I've ever experienced. If Scarlett didn't love the boobies so much I think I would have given up on nursing. It's THAT painful. Much much worse than giving birth - and I did that whole natural childbirth thing! Once I started crying on the phone, they told me to come right in. Thank goodness. Tears work!

The NP at my ob's office confimed that it is yeast. She said Scarlett would need script too, but my pedi's office still doesn't seem to listen, so I'm off to buy some acidophilus to use for treating her.

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