Friday, January 11, 2008

give mommy kiss

It's been a good day. Matthew hasn't had a tantrum yet today, he ate good at breakfast and lunch, and we had a nice chunk of "just us" play time this morning while Scarlett napped. While he napped this afternoon Scarlett & I had a good chunk of time together too. Then I got her down for a nap while he was still napping so I had some time to myself.

When Matthew woke up we played in his room for a while since Scarlett was napping downstairs. I was sitting on his bed & he said "mommy nap" - so I laid down and he brought me his puff (a stuffed dog), his paci, and his blanket. He went on playing for a few minutes and then came over & said "I give mommy kiss" and climbed up in the bed with me, kissed me, climbed down, and went right on playing. A few minutes later he repeated these steps but added a hug. I LOVE his kisses, but I will admit that his hugs can't be beat. He wraps his little arms around you and squeezes just a little, but then he also adds a little pat on the back...pat pat. So sweet!

I should be playing with him now (actually I am, we are drinking "tea" from a tupperware tea set* that was mine when I was a little girl) but I just had to take a moment to record this.

*About that tea set, ours is not primary colors - instead it is fashionable 70s colors - brown, orange, avocado, and yellow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.