Wednesday, July 23, 2008

WFMW: Lansinoh products

Ever since I planned to breastfeed Matthew and everyone recommends "that stuff in the purple tube" and a friend bought me Lansinoh breast pads, I've been a fan of the Lansinoh products. I've always found them to be great quality and have bought them, even when they were a little more expensive than other brands. Until the last two weeks I've been thrilled with their products. But lately...not so impressed. (*see below for the whole story) I'm putting the main "works for me" part next to save the reader some time if they don't want details. I get wordy :)

So I contacted them. I emailed them and had a response, a REAL response, less then 5 minutes after I hit send! Their response was not a canned generic, "we're sorry", it was a real response that addressed my issue, apologized, asked me if I had saved bags and if I would return them, and asked how they could compensate me for my loss! I felt like they truly cared that I had a problem. So for now, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and keep buying their products! So, Lansinoh products work for me, but what really works for me is speaking up when I have a problem with a product. I think most companies do want to stand behind their products so from now on when I'm unhappy with a product, I plan to contact the company and let them know. If they respond in a caring way, like Lansinoh did yesterday, I will continue to support the company. For more tips, head over to Rocks in My Dryer for Works for Me Wednesdays.

** And for the whole story:
I have a LOT of milk stored in the freezer, back from when my supply was abundant, and then when Scarlett refused a bottle at daycare. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot! All in Lansinoh storage bags. Since she's recently turned one, I've decided to cut back our nursing sessions and only nurse her twice a day. My plan is to use up my freezer supply of milk and then put her on whole milk. The first problem was the night of my first photography class. David put a bag of frozen milk into some water to thaw while he got Matthew to bed. When he went back to put the milk in a bottle, the bag was empty and the water was milky. He thawed a second bag, and part of it leaked too. He ended up needing a third bag to finish feeding Scarlett, and part of it leaked. At lunch I've been thawing milk to give her in a cup, and between what he lost that night & what I've lost since, I've wasted about 50 oz of breast milk. I don't consider this a huge waste, since #1, I'm still nursing her; #2, I have a lot more in the freezer, and #3, she's over a year old and can (and will) drink whole milk without a problem.

I grew concerned though over all these "bad" bags. What if I was a new mother struggling with nursing, about to go back to work, worried about my supply? *I* recommend Lansinoh to everyone I know. Has their quality gotten bad? Did I just get unlucky & get a bad batch of bags? I suspect that is the case, as all of the milk we've had leak was stored in a small date range, but still...I felt compelled to contact the company.

(and for the record, I told them I don't want any compensation-I don't need anything)


Anonymous said...

Good for you for speaking up. I recommend their products too. Have a nice week.

Sarah said...

That is so annoying! How we did it when we tried bottles (I say tried because Andrew wouldn't take them from Dad, only from my mom) was I would pull out what I needed the night before and let it thaw in the fridge. Then DH would pour it into a glass Evenflo bottle and heat that up in some hot water. But that's besides the point. You're supposed to be able to warm up the bag without problems. Sorry this has happened to you! It sucks having your own liquid gold get wasted. We put so much time and effort into the milk we extract!