Monday, July 14, 2008

boob addict

I am starting to make more of an effort to wean Scarlett. I plan to continue nursing her first thing in the morning & before bed for a while, but over the next month I hope to eliminate her two mid-day nursing sessions. Last week I started giving her one sippy cup of breastmilk when she wakes from her morning nap. She has been pretty persistent about wanting to nurse though, and I've given in a few times. It's just easier (short term, I know) than letting her fuss about it. Plus, she's cute. It's hard to say no to someone as cute as she is.

A few examples of her cuteness:
  1. She brings me the boppy when she wants to nurse. She's so tiny to be walking around the room with it, but she somehow manages. Sometimes she puts it around the back of her neck. I need to take a picture or video of this!
  2. When she wants to nurse she says "uhuhuhuh" in the cutest voice. I know a lot of babies do this, but it's still cute.
  3. The funniest thing she does might seem gross to some of you. When she stops nursing there is sometimes a little milk left on my nipple. One day recently she noticed that milk and poked it with her index finger (like she wanted to pick it up), then sucked on her finger. She smiled really big and repeated the poke/suck on finger...several times. Now when she's finished nursing she'll poke & prod at my boob to get that little bit of milk. I guess it really is good to the last drop.

And why is it that she fusses about getting a sippy cup for herself, but if she can get her hands on Matthew's, she's a happy camper? I know she likes what's in hers!

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