Thursday, July 31, 2008

random tidbits

Yeah, I know - I'm oh so creative with my titles. How DO you clever people come up with them?

  • Scarlett is talking more & more. She says "tickle tickle" and actually tries to tickle.
  • Anytime one of the kiddos sneezes, I say "Bless you". If they sneeze more than once quickly, I'll say "scat" and they both think it's hilarious. So now they fake sneeze. The other day I sneezed and they both immediately started fake sneezing, so I'd say "scat" over & over.
  • Scarlett has the cutest facial expression - she scrunches up her nose & squints her eyes a little. It's definitely a devilish look, but I adore it. Now I need to capture a picture of it so I can hold onto it forever.
  • Matthew is well trained to when it is time to come inside from playing. This morning when it was time to leave the park he went straight to the wagon. He might be a handful, but sometimes he's SO good.
  • Matthew's been asking to potty more lately, and he is always successful. Unfortunately he wants to go every 10 minutes sometimes, and I think it's just for the candy reward. I'm still putting no pressure on him, due to my own laziness. I really think I should be more aggressive about potty training, I'm just lazy and don't want to clean up accidents.
  • At least I can admit my faults, right?
  • I'm no longer "mommy". I am "mama" to Scarlett, and Matthew has shortened it to just "mom". He sounds so much more grown up when he says "mom" instead of "mommy". Waaah! I want to be "mommy!"
  • I had to have some bloodwork done this morning & I'm such a wuss. I hate needles, I even shake when I'm just having my finger pricked. I tried donating blood once but after 45 minutes of almost nothing coming out of my vein, they sent me on my way. This morning she stuck me & got the vein, but nothing came out. It took forever for my blood to flow. Seriously, it took about 15 minutes for her to get 2 small vials. What's up with that?
  • I was showing Matthew pictures of my new nephew on the computer, and he said he wanted to go see him. I told him we can't because the baby is far away. He then asked if we could go on an airplane to see him. How many freaking 2 year olds know it's better to go far away on a plane than in a car? He's brilliant, right? :)
  • Speaking of the nephew, he is doing much better but is still in the hospital. Sis was nursing him this afternoon (for the first time) and it was going well! Woohoo! He's off the oxygen, but still on glucose and under the bili lights. Hopefully now that he's nursing they can get him off glucose & that should help with the jaundice too.
  • Last week I joined a weight loss challenge & am supposed to lose 7 lbs in 4 weeks. I've lost 2.5. Even with the party this weekend I should be able to lose another 4.5.
  • I LOVE the bootcamp class at my gym. Love it so much I thought about joining the marines.

1 comment:

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Well, I can't think of a better title for this post. And you are GREAT at naming kids.

I am not good (physically and emotionally) at having blood drawn, too.

Thanks for entering the giveaway. Maybe it will be a nice supplement to the boot camp!