Friday, July 11, 2008

photography class & doctor appointments

Last night was my first photography class. I was excited to sign up for it, but now I am even more excited! I was nervous going in, that everything would be too technical & over my head, but last night proved to be perfect. The instructor did say that by the end of the classes even the experienced photographers in the class would be challenged, but right now it looks to be exactly what I was looking for. He does give homework assignments and part of each class will be spend critiquing the pictures we bring in, but that's the best way to learn, right?

Matthew had an ortho follow-up Wednesday. After his last visit (which I thought I blogged about but when I went to find the link I couldn't so I guess I didn't), we were prepared for the worst, expecting the doctor to recommend additional casts and surgery. We took his shoes off earlier in the day than normal, to give him some time to run around & loosen up after being in the shoes for 12+ hours overnight. When we got to the exam room, the doctor watched him walk from several angles, then put him on the table to feel the flexibility. Then he told us he is very pleased with how Matthew's feet look and that we don't need to come back until Matthew is 3. Very's words! David reminded him that when we were there in April he was concerned that Matthew was losing flexibility & he replied simply "well I'm not anymore". He then went into more detail about why the flexibility could have been worse then & improved now, and we were happy with his answers.

Whew, what a relief.

This morning Scarlett had her 1 year check-up. She weighs in at 19 lbs, 8 oz (25%) and is 30" tall (between 75-90%). She has dropped on the weight percentile but the doctor said it's probably because she's been walking for so long, and she's just built dainty. No worries, as all other development is great. She was a champ for her (3) shots and hasn't even acted bothered by them today.

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