Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday Tidbits

My MIL just called, wanting to know if I'd done my homework for my photography class. I'm such a procrastinator so the answer was no! Back in elementary & high school, I always had my homework done before I got out of school for that day. I was a nerd, but not a nerdy nerd, and always managed to do homework for one class during the next class. Once I hit college that changed, and homework became something I did at the last minute. Apparently that's still the case.

Matthew is thoroughly enjoying the swimming pool. It's actually been warm enough the past few days to enjoy it, and the water has warmed up to (a still cool for me) 76*.

This morning once he got in the pool and I was scooping the pine needles out, I noticed my bottoms were on inside out. Not cool. But he was already in the water, and I didn't want to drag him inside so I wrapped a towel around my lower half and did a quick change.

I wish moms would stop judging other moms. I am guilty of it sometimes too but I am part of several message boards where it amazes me. I was going to say more but then this wouldn't be a tidbit. This is really a rant for another day.

I'm getting my hair cut this evening. I've spent most of the day in the pool or taking care of the kiddos. I will take a quick shower but I doubt I have time to blow dry & style. This stylist is still fairly new to me, so I like to go in with it "done" so she can see what I want the end result to be. With my "old" stylist I never cared. How about you? Do you "fix" before going to the salon or not?

I've been putting Matthew & Scarlett in their wool diaper soakers more often this week. I finally seem to have gotten them lanolized correctly. I think they're cute, need to take pics.

Matthew's awake - he is saying "I napped a lot of hours." I think it's so cute when he says this, especially when it's in the morning & he is waking from sleeping 12 hours.

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