Monday, October 6, 2008

Sick blech

I overslept Saturday and woke up with a bloody awful headache. I slept late enough that I missed bootcamp, which makes me really sad, but I didn't feel up to it anyway. I ended up nursing Scarlett and going right back to bed - David was a sweetheart and took care of the short people all day. I did get out of bed around lunch time, only to eat and fall asleep on the couch. Yeah, I was useless. And I couldn't find my ibuprofen or my tylenol! We've recently moved all the medicine and somehow those got misplaced while we moved them I guess. By Saturday night I decided it wasn't "just a headache" since I was starting to have other crappy symptoms, so I took some cold/sinus medicine and slept great. Yesterday I got up with the short ones so David could rest and I managed to function most of the day. I'm feeling better today so hopefully the worst is past. I hate miserable weekends!

1 comment:

nancy said...

That was me last weekend! Except for me, my hubby had to take care of the kids both days. Sorry you were the one to deal this weekend.