Wednesday, October 22, 2008

can't do cloth?

This is for anyone who says I just can't do cloth diapers. You know those people - the thought of dealing with cloth diapers totally grosses them out. They think getting the poop off the diaper would be awful, the worst thing ever. Well, Matthew & Scarlett were both up most of the night puking. Cleaning up poopy cloth diapers pales in comparison to cleaning up toddler puke off the sheets, the pillow, the stuffed animals he insists on sleeping with every night, the wall, get the idea. So yeah, if you hear someone say they can't do cloth because it's disgusting, well you might just tell them to not have children.

I know they can't help it, and can't stress how much it hurt me to watch them be this sick. Neither of them had any idea what was happening, they both just wanted to sleep, but we wanted to keep an eye on them for a while. Scarlett was especially bad because she would fight us as we tried to help her. I think she was scared. Matthew didn't understand what was going on but he did finally understand that he should ask for the bucket to get sick in. So my poor babies were up most of the night sick, and all I wanted was to be sick in their place. Today they seem fine - we think it's something they ate. I hope so, I hope it's all done. I felt so so sorry for both of them.

I had something else I wanted to say but I can't remember what it was. Bah.

1 comment:

IdleMindOfBeth said...

oh the poor kiddos!

definitely praying it was just something they ate, and that it is G.O.N.E.!