Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm normal

Well, according to my BMI anyway. I think we'd all agree that I'm probably not so normal in lots of ways. This morning I hopped on the scale, like I always do on Thursdays, and was surprised to see I've lost weight this week. I'm still not tracking/journaling like I should be, but hopefully seeing the numbers go down will help me get motivated again. I am still frustrated with myself - I've been hovering between 140.5 & 142 the last 6 weeks. But today, I dropped below 140, and I'm determined NOT to go back there.

According to my BMI, I'm a normal weight. I still think I'm overweight, but according to that math, I'm not. To think, I've only got about 15 lbs to go to be truly happy with my weight!


IdleMindOfBeth said...

Why is it that 125 seems to be the "ideal" weight for so many women our age?

That's been my goal for as long as I can remember! I got within 10 lbs of it (maybe even less) a couple of years ago, which is a big part of WHY I'm so frustrated (although, not enough to do anything about it) with my body today! I KNOW what 135-ish feels like, and it feels a HELLUVA LOT better than where I'm at!

But, def congrats on the loss this week, and hitting the milestone. I know you've had a rough time of it the past few weeks, so getting here - even when you weren't really trying to - is that much cooler!

Becky said...

WTG Kaci!!! That is awesome! You should be very proud of your accomplishment!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Wow! That's amazing, all the weight you've lost!

Your entry for the SoapNuts is very clever! I think the company should pay you for the jingle.

Meredith said...

Great Job Kaci!!!! Ypu have doe awesome!!!!!!

My Three Sons said...

Hello. My name is Kaci as well. I have a blog called My three sons. I had a friend of mine forget the whole addy so she goolged it and found you. She told me about your blog and how we spell our name the same. Since it isn't often that I do see my name spelled my way, I just thought that was pretty cool. So from one Kaci to another, HELLO.

I have three boys and I'm also battling losing weight. I wish your weightloss was my sucess story. My three are 13,12, and 2. My oldest two are very active in sports and my youngest tries really hard to keep up. My youngest has severe asthma and we are always at dr appt. with specialist.

Anyways, it's is nice to find your blog and hopefully you can stop in one day to say hello back.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Great Job Kaci!

I haven't been "normal" since sometime in early 2004. You are inspiring and I'm going to get there too!