Tuesday, October 21, 2008

oh the funk

I've been feeling a definite funk lately. I posted about the whole roller coaster feeling, and then we had a great weekend, but even with a wonderful weekend, it seemed like I was right back into the funk once we were back home. I have been so excited about my weight loss, and it's been easy, but now I'm just kinda like eh, whatever. I could count on one hand the times I've been to the gym in the last month, and I have completely stopped tracking what I eat. Mentally part of it is still tracked, but I'm not doing it like I should. Somehow in this time I've gained 0.5 pounds - I'm surprised it isn't more. I've said the last 2 Mondays "ok, diet is back on" but then Monday rolls around & I just can't make myself eat better. Is this normal for dieting? I want to lose the other 15 lbs and KEEP THEM OFF, so I need help. I don't know what to do to get back in the groove.

And the kids - they are wonderful. They are true blessings but I don't appreciate them as much as I should. Lately I feel like I'm just looking forward to nap and bed times so I can rest. I *do* enjoy the time I have with them, but I'm not taking them to the park, or the library, or the pool, or anything fun out of the house. We're just retreating in our little shell during the week. We play, I read them stories, I take care of them, we give hugs & kisses, but most days it's like my heart isn't in it. And they deserve better than that. Maybe they deserve better than me.

I've got 2 loads of laundry that need washing, another 3 that need folding, and another 1 that needs to be put away. The dishwasher needs to be unloaded, and I have a few things in the sink that need to be washed. The dining room floor needs sweeping, the kitchen needs mopping, the bathrooms need cleaning. I feel like I get it all done & then it just needs to be redone. I can't keep up with it, and I can't understand why it's so hard. It shouldn't be hard, right? I have plenty of time to sit on my ass & watch tv, so why can't I find time to keep the house comfortable?

I'm just hoping to come out of this funk before long - my children and husband deserve better than they are getting.


IdleMindOfBeth said...

oh the funk SUCKS!!!

what are your evenings like? any chance we could meet for dinner or something next week? I KNOW I could use some girl time, and it sounds like maybe you could, too.

If not a week night, then..... hell I don't know when. Weekends are booked until the weekend before Thansgiving! ARGH!

Let me know. I know we've talked about it before, but my reality is that if I wait til I "have time" I'll never MAKE time!

nancy said...

It's okay. Just remember that. It's okay.

Your children are not going to remember the funk of fall 2008. Your diet will resume on track, whether you gain a little bit now or not. Things will even out.

I'm in my own funktatude right now too, so I'm not the best person to be able to give advice.

But one thing I DO know, it's okay. Being hard on yourself if just going to make yourself feel worse.

Meredith said...

Oh Kaci we have all been in that funk before. Yes it does suck and the guilt that comes with us is the worse part. It does get better tho I promise!

All Matthew and Scarlett know is that their mommy loves them very much and thats enough right now!

Yes go out with Beth get some time and before you know it you will be out of it.