Monday, June 16, 2008

Can I bring her home?

We had a lovely weekend, the weather was BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL and we did several fun things. I went to the gym, to a boot camp class. Yeah, it kicked my butt, but I was glad that I did it. I will be back this Saturday. I had asked around at the gym about it, couldn't find anyone who actually went, but the instructor of the class I go to on Tues/Thurs said it was tough. She encouraged me though & told me just to go at my own pace. Well this class was wasn't in the classroom, we went outside. We played soccer, we ran, and ran, and ran...then ran some more. We did push ups, situps, modified pull ups, some weights, jump rope....lots of stuff I have never done, I think I worked muscles I didn't know I had. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get out of bed Sunday, but after a long soak in the hot tub Saturday night, I hopped right up yesterday. (Should have soaked again last night - this morning I was pretty slow getting up!)

So that started my weekend off right, then I went to lunch & a movie with a friend. We saw Sex & the City, which was really good. I was not sure how I felt about a movie, because I liked the way the series ended and didn't want to see them "mess it up" - but all in all I think they did a good job with it.

Sunday started off lazy, but we decided to take Matthew to his first movie. Horton Hears a Who was playing at the dollar theater. We had to wake him up early from his nap, and Scarlett ended up missing her afternoon nap, but we thought it would be fun. And it was, until 20 minutes in when Scarlett was so overtired & got hungry too - she got fussy & wouldn't eat, so I took her out. She ate & settled down, but when I went back in the theater she fussed. So David & Matthew enjoyed the movie while Scarlett & I enjoyed the lobby. That was ok, at least Matthew had fun.

While Scarlett & I were in the lobby, I had the opportunity to do a lot of people watching. One woman amazed me - she came out of a different theater with a little girl who looked to be a little older than Scarlett. The poor baby was screaming and the mom offered no comfort to her whatsoever. They sat down on a bench, side by side, and the woman held the girl down. I understand toddler tantrums, but this was no ordinary tantrum. The woman commented loudly "I know you're sleepy but that's too bad." I think I gasped out loud! I mean, I knew Scarlett was sleepy but I cuddled her, walked her, "shush'ed" her...trying to make her settle enough to go to sleep. It amazed me that this woman was treating her child this way. It broke my heart to sit there and listen to this little girl cry, and watch as the mother acted like she was only angry that the little girl wouldn't stop. I also saw how Scarlett reacted to this...she is young but I think she was aware that it wasn't good. I had her in my lap, facing me, and the woman and girl were on a bench across from me, so Scarlett had to turn and look over her shoulder to see them. But she would turn and look and then look up at me & lay her head on my shoulder. I believe she *knew* that I would never hold her down to cry when she needed me. I can't explain it.

I really wanted to scoop that little baby up & bring her home with us though. I can tell myself that the mom was just having a bad day, but I can't make myself believe it. It makes me so sad to think that's the norm for that precious little girl.


nancy said...

I see people treat their children so crazy sometimes.

Like on airplanes. I feel terrible for parents with crying children/babies. But it PISSES me off when those parents don't try to comfort.

On the way home from Boston last month, there was a couple with a toddler who was cranky and crying. They were trying tog ive him toys, but the kid was strapped in a freaking car seat. For goodness sake, take the kid OUT and cuddle him!

Meredith said...

I hate when I see parents like that too but I also know I have had days where I am at the point that I can't handle any more screamig. Of course on those days we don't go out of the house either :). I just let them cry it out in their rooms while I take a break - better for all of us that way.

And to Nancy's comment - I just wantd to say that on airplanes my kids are not allowed of thier car seats, just like they are not allowed out in the car. So maybe thats why they didn't cuddle the kids?