Monday, October 29, 2007

Trying something new

David and I decided this weekend to try something new - a routine/schedule for ourselves...yes, that's right, US, not the children. We are really bad about going to bed late or "whenever" and that makes it hard to get up in the mornings. So we decided to give ourselves a bedtime. Hopefully this will help us get the sleep we need so that we're well rested for our work days and taking care of Matthew and Scarlett.

The one area where I could use some help is figuring out how to manage our evening routine. Scarlett is the difficult one here - when Matthew was her age I nursed him, then cooked/ate supper (or David cooked while Matthew nursed), then we put Matthew to bed. Once Matthew got older we established an evening routine that includes eating supper around 6-6:30. Now that Scarlett is here I sometimes struggle to get Matthew's supper "on time" because of her nursing. I realize this is something I should have figured out months ago, but I didn't, and it needs work now. So how do you handle this, if you have a somewhat set dinner time and you are nursing an infant? Or if you don't have a set dinner time but you have older children too?

I'll keep you posted on how this bedtime thing works for us - last night we were about 20 minutes late getting to bed and Scarlett woke up just as I was drifting off! I am hoping that by setting some new routines she will sleep longer for me at night. She had been sleeping through the night for a while, but since she started daycare she's been waking again. :(

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