Thursday, October 11, 2007

Off to Georgia

Tomorrow I'll be going to Georgia for a few days. I am SO nervous about the flight - I will be travelling alone with Matthew and Scarlett. I am taking Matthew's car seat for the flight because I don't think he would stay in the seat without it. So I'll have to manage getting me, Scarlett, Matthew, a car seat, and a diaper bag on the plane. Oh boy! I am crazy! Fortunately the airline told me I could get a gate pass for David to help me get through security to the gate. I also bought a traveling toddler to use to attach the carseat to a carry on. We used it on our Florida trip and while it wasn't super easy, it is easier than adding a stroller to everything else I need to carry. So I will strap Matthew to the carry on, Scarlett will be in either the sling or snugli, and I will have one hand free. Sounds good, right? So why am I so nervous?

Oh yeah, we also bought a portable dvd player. Matthew has always been very good on flights, until our trip to FL, then he was a little fussy part of the time. Since I won't have David (or anyone else with me) to help entertain him, and I will have Scarlett in my lap, I decided it was worth the investment to have a tv option. I am fairly "anti-tv" but sometimes you need that help. So we have some copies of Curious George and Clifford that will be in our carry on!

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