Friday, October 26, 2007

These are the moments

Like everything, parenting has its ups and downs. Yesterday was a crazy day. I believe children thrive on routine, and I definitely saw the results of messing with routine. Normally David takes them to daycare but yesterday I took them. Matthew really didn't like that. Fortunately they were already eating breakfast when I got there so that distracted him and we avoided a meltdown. When I went to pick them up it was another story entirely. Again, he's used to David picking them up. I probably don't do things the same way but he was fine until we got to the parking lot. He didn't want to hold my hand to walk across the lot to the car. As he's fighting me I decide it's too windy to dilly dally and I picked him up. Not easy when he's struggling to get down, but I got him & Scarlett in the car. David worked late so I managed supper and bedtime on my own. Matthew was fussy the whole time - he does great when we're away from home without David but at home when David's not here it is different...he knows things aren't right. I could tell he wasn't sleeping good just listening to the monitor, but after David got home he fell out of the bed. David went in to check on him and I actually think that settled him down because he slept better. I think he was glad to know his daddy was home.

Of course, those aren't the moments I really want to post about. This morning both Matthew & Scarlett have been such pleasures. Scarlett woke up cooing & babbling, which I love. I think she does that most mornings but it's earlier than I want to wake up so I leave her hoping she'll go back to sleep and she ends up fussing. She slept late enough today that I was happy to get her when I first heard her. Then she & Matthew played in the family room, and when it was time to put Matthew down for his nap he teased me about kisses. Normally I take him to his room and sit on his bed with him in my lap & ask for a kiss and hug. Today when i asked for the kiss he leaned toward me like he was going to kiss me but turned away when he got close. He then smiled at me and said "I tease". he did that several times and just kept laughing. How cute...I figure he was trying to postpone his nap but it was so cute I let it go on for a bit. Finally I kissed his cheek & put him down. It was just really really cute.

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