Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Scarlett's 4 month check up

Scarlett had her 4 month well visit today. Her stats:

13 lbs 12 oz (50-75%)
24.5" (50-75%)
40.5 cm head (50-75%)

She's only gained a little over a pound since her 2 month check up but the pedi wasn't concerned. I asked her advice on the bottle issue and she said her younger daughter started daycare at 4 months and wouldn't take one either. She said often she would take 1-2 oz and that was all. She basically said don't worry about it because Scarlett will make up what she's not eating at daycare at her other feedings. She did say the growth slow down was probably partially due to not eating much at daycare, but she didn't think it was reason to worry.

Scarlett got her recommended vaccines - she was not happy about them but she settled down pretty quickly. She rarely cries so it's really hard to hear her screaming.

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