Tuesday, October 2, 2007

back to work

Today was my first day back at work. I didn't feel at all ready to go back! I also hate having to send Scarlett to daycare. I know daycare is an issue every working mother deals with, and I am fortunate to have a center that I really like and feel comfortable with. I was lucky when Matthew was an infant that I could schedule my work around his naps but then he got to an age where he didn't nap enough for me to work the hours I needed to work. So we found a daycare and he's there part time. Since he is there part time, that means I have 3 days/week I can work from home. Even if Scarlett sleeps good, there's no way I can get in the hours I need to in 3 days/week if she's at home, so my choices were to send her to daycare 3 days/week or send Matthew every day and work while Scarlett naps. I don't like either option, but since I know eventually I wouldn't be able to work enough hours when she is napping, I decided to send her with Matthew 3 days/week. I guess I also feel like that is "fair" to Matthew - I would feel bad changing his schedule because of her. Of course when we think about "fair" I am not sure it is fair to Scarlett that I am starting her so much earlier than I started Matthew, but what can I do?

Anyway, it was a mostly good day except I had to go feed Scarlett around lunchtime. She hasn't been very receptive to the bottle and they called me after trying to feed her and listening to her fuss for half an hour because she was hungry. She just doesnt' seem to know how to latch on to the bottle nipple. Hopefully it will get better.

She nursed a lot tonight, I guess to make up for not eating a lot during the day. She's in bed now, hopefully she won't wake me up too often!

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