Monday, February 2, 2009

bah bahb blahe

What can I say, I'm tired of titles. We had a great weekend. We did a lot of shopping Friday night so it was out of the way. Saturday I went to boot camp and felt like I had a real kick ass day. No, I'm not the fastest but I can see such an improvement. I am so freaking competitive that it has been hard for me to go to this class...first with GUYS in it, that have real muscles, and second with girls who have like 5% body fat. I know I *can't* run as fast as they can, I *can't* lift as much weight as they can, I *can't* do as many push-ups, crunches, leg lifts, whatever, as they can, but I *can* do my best every time, and I *can* try to beat myself. By beating myself I mean, if I ran 10 laps last week, let's see if I can run 12 this week. Although when I do sprints beside "A", I do find myself trying to keep up...I usually can for the first few, but I don't have the endurance she does. I'm getting there, and that makes me feel good. I also feel myself wanting to be a gym rat...I want to go more & more, but it's hard to find time. I gotta figure out a good schedule.

David took the kids outside & they built a snowman. Scarlett's gloves and boots kept coming off so she couldn't stay out very long. She cried when David brought her in though, until she got lunch - then she was a happy girl.

Today Matthew had ice skating. We finally found a pair of skates that actually fits him, although they don't lace up so they aren't as good, but we figured we'd see how it went with them today. And he did GREAT! He stayed up so much better than he was, and he kept his feet pointed straight more often. I think it was just easier to balance with the shoes fitting him better. I was SO proud of him today. Ok, I was proud of him every week, but today especially. It helped that the teacher put candy down on the ice & told them if they skated to the candy they could have it. That boy loves candy. I was extra proud of him when he came off the ice & Scarlett asked for a bite of his candy, and yep, he gave it to her! So sweet :)


My Three Sons said...

That is really great about bootcamp. I hope you can find a way to go more. I was in that mood once and lost a lot of inches. It was a great feeling.

So how much snow did you end up getting?

Sounds like a good weekend all around. Hope you have a good week.

Oh, BTW, I gave you a sisterhood award on my site. Fitting since we both have the same name. :-)

nancy said...

I am going to start going to classes as soon as I hit 6 weeks postpartum. You have totally inspired me!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I am amazed at and inspired by your progress. Fabulous!

Almost makes me want to get off the couch here.

Or maybe eat some candy. :-)