Friday, February 6, 2009

ugh - I'm so forgetful!

Seriously, the kids have done so many cute things lately and I've meant to write about them but then something else happens so I don't get to the computer and I forget what it was by the time I do. I put up another video of Matthew ice skating. He has really improved. Unfortunately he's been sick the last couple of days and I hate hate hate having a sick kid. I feel so bad for them, I would so much rather me be sick than them. He is just pitiful. David is also sick and that's almost as bad as Matthew being sick.

Scarlett feels great though! She has been asking for her bear (that was actually mine when I was little) for naps & bedtime, and I certainly wouldn't care if she got attached to it. I had two things I slept with as a child (actually until I got married!) and Matthew uses one of them and it's looking like she *might* use the other. I think that's pretty cool.

I'm knitting a baby blanket...I started it almost a month ago and after frogging it 3 times I finally got it going but am just now almost half-way. I only knit when the kids are napping or in bed but still - it's taking way longer than I expected. At least now I know to expect it to take me 2 months if I want to make a baby blanket! I think I'm a slow knitter, huh?

Scarlett & Matthew are so loving towards each other - I love watching them interact. They give frequent hugs & kisses, to each other & to us. Anytime we sneeze or cough Scarlett says "bless you". Matthew kept telling David yesterday "My sorry you are sick." Matthew has also been wanting to hide from us & then let us hide from him. He's been asking a lot lately about letters..."what does that letter say?" and stuff.

I tell him & we talk about it when he asks but I don't go out of my way to teach him stuff. When we first made the decision for me to stay at home, I thought I would structure our days a lot like daycare and have certain times where we focus on different activities, including educational things. But nah, I don't do it. I just try to make sure we have fun. I kinda have that "that's what childhood is all about" idea, but then I don't want them to be behind when they go to school.

Oh well, here's that video - again the quality is krap because I forgot our regular camera. And I swear next time the kids do something cute, I'll try to drop everything & blog :)

1 comment:

My Three Sons said...

Mathew looks so cute ice skating. He looks soooo little on that big rink.

Kind of a funny story, as I was watching your video I had the news on and Kansas City actually made it up to 70 today and the weather lady was on and she is standing outside an ice rink. The news channel is offering free admission tonight and they showed the rink and it is all slushy. Can't wait to see someone actually skate on that. LOL

Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon.