Thursday, February 19, 2009

what a week

I am sinking into that funkitude again. Tuesday I was on such a high. David & I are looking at some options to get moved back to Georgia and I was upbeat & excited. Then yesterday was just a rough day - Matthew was so freaking whiny. I can't stand whining! (heh, look at me whining about not liking whining!) David was supposed to be home from work by 5:10 so I could go to the gym but he was late & I didn't want to be late getting to boot camp because I already needed to leave early so I just didn't go. My choice but it was just frustrating. To know I had planned to go & couldn't. I really needed that hour away from the house.

Today has been better but that's just because Matthew is in a better mood. It actually shifted at bedtime, when I took him & Scarlett upstairs together. Usually if I'm home alone with them I take them both up, put him down, then put her down. Last night was no different but as I tucked him in he said "mommy will you rock me just a little bit?" So I told him to wait & I'd be back. I put Scarlett down & went back & rocked him. He asks for this about once every other week and I admit I love it.

I did manage to fit in some exercise last night but didn't feel it was a good workout. The positive thing is that when I started my weight loss journey last year, this video kicked my butt & now I can barely call it a workout! Goes to show what better shape I'm in, but now I need ideas for good at home workouts. Anyone?

Weigh in today I lost 0.2 lbs....I love my more accurate scale. No matter how many times I get on/off in a short time period, it is consistent. With my old scale I wouldn't have felt I could say I lost 0.2 lbs, but now I am confident that I did!


nancy said...

No recommends. Maybe pick some up at the library so you can always have something new each week?

Anonymous said...

I was just telling Andrea yesterday, that Taryn has been so whiny. Just some days, but OMG he drives me nuts sometimes. I totally feel ya on that. Glad yesterday was a better day! SOrry about the bootcamp thing, I don't get to do anything by myself, but when I have plans to do something as a family, and the crap falls through, I get pissed! I pout and bitch and moan because I didn't get to do what I wanted! I know, horrible. I would love if Taryn wanted me to rock him, he's damn near as big as me so it would be hard, but he wants nothing to do with me at night. :( Congrats on the weight loss, even if it is only that much, it's still a loss and that's great!!!!!! I could use a good scale...but the one I have works for now!