Monday, February 9, 2009


After posting Friday about Matthew & David being sick, I started feeling it Saturday. It's just gotten worse (thankfully Matthew got over it really fast - he was the only one to have a fever and maybe that helped?) and today I feel rotten. Of course I don't get sick days so I just have to grin & bear it with the kids. I would have asked David to stay home but after he took time off last week and has to be off Wednesday I hated to. Oh well, such is life. Sometimes I wish I worked :)

The short people at my house have been absolutely rotten today - I keep reminding myself that part of it is due to me feeling so bad, that makes them seem worse, but seriously - I have to look back at posts to remind myself they love each other.

The eeewwww moment of my day came at breakfast - I had gone to the kitchen to get a bathcloth to wipe their mouths & hands. When I walked back into the dining room, Matthew was kind of smacking & I knew he had eaten everything so I asked what he was eating. He just pointed at his mouth and said "yummy" so I asked again. He then told me it came from his nose and it was yummy. GAG. Seriously gross. We had a little chat about how we don't eat things that come from our noses.

Ya know, someday the love of his life might come across this out in webland...ya think I need a little censorship?

1 comment:

My Three Sons said...

Well maybe he was doing that to help you throw up quicker? LOL

I know how hard it is to be the sick mommy and try to take care of everyone. I'm sorry you are going through that.

Sending hugs your way!!