Tuesday, January 27, 2009

a good weekend

So this is the 3rd visit we've had with my mother-in-law in the last 2 months...she came the first weekend of Dec, then Christmas, then this weekend. I am amazed that they all went GREAT! Who is this woman? LOL - seriously, I think David's mema (her mother) must have given her a talking to. At Christmas she told me "you're on mema's good list and S (my SIL) is on her bad list" - and mema made the comment several times (in front of MIL) that "you are such a good mom" or "you do such a good job with the babies" - so I think maybe MIL is realizing that her way (or my SIL's way) isn't always best and that David & I are doing just fine with our children. Thanks mema!

She got in Thursday evening and we had a nice night. I had supper in the crockpot and she asked immediately if she smelled meatloaf. It wasn't but turns out she loves my meatloaf so I decided to cook it Friday night. She also brought with her a Wii Fit. She'd gotten us a Wii for Christmas and I asked for a Wii Fit (from David) but he was unable to get one (without paying mucho extra for it and we're too frugal to pay more than suggested retail) so we've been watching for one since then. She found it in FL and picked it up for us. So we played that a lot this weekend. I was embarrassed that with all my weight loss and going to the gym, SHE was beating me on EVERYTHING! Seriously, she is twice my age and had records on all the games. David finally broke most of her records but even so - I can't believe she beat me. I know if we were to go to the gym I'd totally hold my own but geeze! It was embarrassing. Finally, the last night she was here, she fessed up. She told us that she got a Wii and Wii Fit a couple of weeks before her trip & she had been playing at home every night! LOL - I had to laugh. She's as competitive as we are so she practiced before she came!

David & I went to see The Dark Knight at the IMAX theater. I'm not too into Batman but I really enjoyed it. Didn't hurt that I had lots & lots of butter on my popcorn ;) Other than that we didn't go out - I wanted to go see Benjamin Button but it wasn't playing at convenient times (at least not when the Batman movie wasn't playing) and I didn't want to go out for too long. We didn't even go out to dinner because we decided to order chicago style pizza & David & I would rather eat that than most restaurants around!

David took her to Canada Sunday so I had a quiet afternoon to myself. Matthew & Scarlett took nice naps so I knitted and caught up on some tv. Plus I napped. Can't forget that. Oh, and David went to boot camp with me at the gym. He is faster than I am on sprints but has no endurance. I felt bad - he had to sit down and rest a couple of times. He really didn't pace himself well at all. I think he had a rougher first class than I did! Too bad he can't go back with me...the gym daycare isn't open as early as the class starts. :(

David also talked to her about us hoping to move back to Georgia this year. She didn't seem bothered that we are trying to move back to my hometown, so that's good. I figured she'd be pissed about it.


My Three Sons said...

Well it sounds like for the most part, you had a great weekend. I'll have to get your meatloaf recipe from you. Meatloaf is actually one of my families favorites but I'm always trying to do things a little different here and there so they don't get bored with the same ol.

Moving back to Georgia? What part are you from? I have some friends down there.

Hope you get to feeling better with the gym. I hired a private trainer last summer and had muscles that hurt for days. It was torture but I lost 9 inches in about a month so it was well worth it!

Take care and hope you have a great week.

Jess said...

I'm glad things are improving with you and MIL. I envy you.

Sounds like the weekend went well. I am getting the Wii Fit with our tax money, soooo you liked it huh? I can't wait.