Thursday, January 22, 2009

clean up anyone?

So this morning I was cleaning the upstairs bathroom while the short people played in Matthew's room. After some time Matthew said "Mommy can you help me clean up?" I was almost finished in the bathroom so I gave him the hated response of "in a minute" and he said "but I really want you to help me clean up this mess." I assured him I was almost finished and then we would clean up and go downstairs. A couple of minutes later I was ready to head downstairs so I went to his room to help him & Scarlett pick up toys. I was shocked to see him covered in blood. And I do mean was all over his face, his hands, his clothes, EVERYWHERE! He says "now you are gonna clean up this mess?" OH! MY! GAWD!

I very calmly picked him up and took him to the bathroom and started wiping - first trying to figure out if the blood was coming from his nose, mouth, or both. I asked him what happened and he told me he was snotty and then it started. So I knew it was his nose. Do I know how to stop a nosebleed? Hell no! I grabbed my phone and called David to ask him - he's the parent with the first aid training. I got Matthew almost clean and left him sitting with tissue stuffed up his nose while I went to clean up his room. The damage in there wasn't too bad - there was a lot of blood on toys but it was all plastic and easily wiped away. Fortunately Scarlett had stayed out of it.

I am quite impressed that I stayed calm when my baby was covered in blood. I'm glad I did, because right now he thinks blood is pretty cool and I wouldn't want to scare him by freaking out. The bleeding seems to have stopped now. Finally.

No more clean up today, please!

(and I lost 0.8 lbs - I'm 4.6 lbs heavier than my lowest low last fall, but that lowest low only lasted a short time, I've fluctuated between here & there for months. Maybe now I can get over that plateau. I was bad all week, eating Burger King one day, poutine one day, and pizza one day. I'll probably be bad this weekend too, MIL is visiting so D & I are going out.)


Anonymous said...

OMG I couldn't read that fast enough. I was trying to get to the part that said wth happened to him! Poor guy. At least he wasn't freaked out by it. Taryn would have been screaming at the top of his lungs with crocodile tears streaming. Glad you didn't freak out, what a good Mommy, you did better than I ever would have!

And that poutine...uh doesn't look all that great to me, but I'm happy I learned something today!

Congrats again on the weight loss! A loss is a loss, right?

My Three Sons said...

Well since I'm an EMT blood doesn't bother me the least. I have been in situations with all three boys where I had to act on my first aid and didn't panic until it was all over. I think that is the mother in us. We stay calm until the aftermath.

As far as losing the weight, congrats....I have lost almost 11 pounds and I have 14 to go. Good luck and lets keep at it together!!