Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Things are rolling pretty smooth at our house lately. Here are some tidbits:

  • Potty training - Matthew is day trained, even for naps. He's woken up a few mornings totally dry, a LOT of mornings just a teensy bit wet, and several mornings soaked. Not ready to go diaperless at night just yet. He woke me up at 5:30 one morning on our trip needing to potty. I so badly wanted to tell him to go in his diaper, but I dragged my ass out of bed and took him.
  • Scarlett is so expressive - I know I've said it before, but she makes the cutest faces. Lately she has this perplexed look that she'll give us. I have tried taking a picture but she gives a big grin and says cheese every time.
  • Knitting - I'm working on one last pair of longies for a while. Then I have a baby blanket, a hat, and maybe a scarf to do. Not necessarily in that order.
  • I know, that last bit was a fragment.
  • Matthew had a full on tantrum last night, over socks. He took his sock off, then wanted it back on. Oh yeah, this was at supper. We didn't put it back on & he had a fit. David took him to the tub for his bath and he was flailing around like a crazy kid. If he hadn't really needed the bath, his butt would have gone straight to bed. I was afraid he was gonna hurt himself in the tub - that's how wild he was being.
  • Matthew says the darndest things and I forget to write them down. Things I really want to remember, and I swear a day later I've forgotten. I suck.
  • Scarlett says "noooo" and it's so darn cute. She also says "uh-huh" but we hear "nooo" a lot more often. This morning I even got a "no no nooooo."
  • Scarlett also said "jonah" only it sounded more like "nonah" but she said it when we were getting milk out of the fridge - and she pointed at his birth announcement. I wasn't sure I heard her right so I asked "what?" and she repeated. David heard her from the family room too.
  • I need to start Christmas shopping. We'll have a house full of guests in 2 weeks, and I haven't bought the first gift, not even for my kiddos.
  • I'm looking forward to the weekend, even though I need to clean house NOW! MIL is visiting, I'm getting a massage, and we're probably going out with friends. I'll also be trying to get my Christmas decorations up.
  • Where do you put your tree when you have kids? I love seeing it all the time, but they won't keep their hands off it. I know they won't because my mom already had her trees up. One of them wasn't totally decorated but the kids took a lot of ornaments off the others.
  • I swear I have writer's block. I seriously had a ton of cute things to share and when I sat down I went blank. Sorry

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