Thursday, December 11, 2008

pet peeves

ARGH! I have a lot of them but today I'll share just my top 5.

5. One-uppers - you know, those people who always have the same problem or even good thing that you do, only magnified by 10. For example, one friend says she was in labor for 30 hours and pushed for 4, the one-upper will then share that she was in labor for 40 hours and pushed for 6. You know the type.

4. Disposable diapers - now that I've been using cloth for a while, I hate having to use sposies. I do still use them occasionally, but the last 2 times Scarlett has pooped in one, it's been a blowout. The crib sheet, blanket, and bumper pad are in the washer now. And ok, this one is my fault because I ~forgot~ to wash the cloth last night, but still...ICK!

3. Bad drivers - there are so many ways this could be broken down into multiple pet peeves, but I'll leave it at that.

2. Idiots - another broad one. I had a stressful night last night, and while I was sitting on the road (yes, blocking a lane of traffic) waiting on the tow truck, with my hazards flashing, I couldn't believe the number of cars that pulled rightuponmybumper and then blew their horns at me! HELLO! Can you not see the lights flashing?!?!?! Trust me, I'd move if I could!

and now, my number one pet peeve:
People who leave shopping carts anywhere & everywhere in the parking lot. It drives me nuts. I understand, it's freaking cold and snowy, but if you're already out, does it really hurt you to walk the buggy to a buggy corral? Seriously, I think even in the farthest spot away from them, I can get there & back to my car in less than a minute.

Sunday I was at the grocery store and saw a man shove his buggy up toward the front of his car, then he opened the door and got in. When he started to back out, the front corner of his car caught the buggy and the buggy stuck somehow. This guy keeps backing up and was eventually blocking the whole freaking aisle, with the buggy still attached to his bumper. Here I am trying to get to my car and he's blocking the aisle. I'm shooting him my best mean girl look and he gets out to remove the buggy from his bumper and has the gall to say "I couldn't help it."

I, with the politest smile, replied "Sure you could. If you had put it away, that never would have happened."

So, what's your biggest pet peeve? (or 2 or 3 or...however many you want to share!)


IdleMindOfBeth said...


currently, my biggest one (this afternoon) is my google reader filling up with pregnant people. GRRR!

also, people that create their own problems, whine about them, but don't want/accept help.

one-uppers is high on my list, too. one of the SILs (the non-perfect one) does this, and it DRIVES ME CRAZY!

nancy said...

lol. "idiots". I'm still laughing about that one.