Thursday, May 22, 2008

Things that go THUD

What goes THUD? Scarlett does! I came in from the gym the other night and David told me we have to buy a new baby gate. He put Scarlett down in the family room and went to get Matthew. He was only a few steps away from her when he heard it...THUD. She climbed up & over it. She had been trying to climb it for several days (ok, about 2 weeks) so we should have known it was coming and already have a new gate, but usually she takes a little longer to climb it than she did that night. David said she wasn't too upset over the whole ordeal, and didn't seem hurt at all. I wish she could understand the cause & effect so that she would stop trying to climb the gate!

Then yesterday I walked in the family room only to find her sitting on the back of the couch. I've noticed her several times moving things around on the floor to give her "steps" to climb onto the couch, but didn't think she could get on the back of it. I thought Matthew was a climber but Scarlett is proving that he has nothing on her in that area!

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