Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rambling, rambling

I'm gonna start by saying how much I HATE standard time. I HATE HATE HATE it! I hate how early it gets dark in the evenings. I really wish we could just stay on daylight savings time all year. I guess I should be thankful to Congress for extending it, huh?

Now that I have that rant out of the way, I'll talk about my children. (Of course, what else did you think I would talk about?) Matthew is so funny sometimes, without even trying, and I just know we're going to get some questions about some of it one of these days. Since Scarlett has gotten better about taking bottles at daycare but still isn't great about it, I've been trying to have David give her at least one each day over the weekend so that she doesn't go 4 days straight without having one. On Fridays and Mondays I don't worry about it - if she won't take it from someone else she sure as heck won't take it from me, and it's just not worth the time. Anyway, Sunday afternoon David fed Scarlett and I started getting the milk machine ready to pump. I moved the motor and tubes to the couch and went to get the bottles & flanges. When I came back, Matthew had the tubes and was saying "booby pump, Matthew pump" - over and over again. He got upset when I took the tubes so that I could put everything together & pump - he kept trying to grab the bottles and put them up to HIS chest. I finally went and got him the manual pump that I have just so I could pump in peace. David & I were cracking up over this. Then today, I was changing clothes and he was in my room - he grabbed my nursing pads and was saying "boobies" holding them to his chest. I hope I'm not warping my son by exposing him to all of these nursing adventures! I can only hope that 1) he forgets this entirely and/or 2) he is very supportive of his future wife about breastfeeding.

Scarlett meanwhile, is taking the bottle better! I know, I already said that, but if you understood my frustrations, you would understand why I keep celebrating it! I am hoping that she will increase her intake during the day and STOP waking up at night. Last night she went to bed at 8:30, woke up to nurse at 11:15, was back asleep at 11:30 and I had to wake her up this morning to feed her before daycare! This is a huge step - she had been sleeping through the night for a while but once she started daycare she started waking again, sometimes more than once! That's hard when I have to work the next day.

Matthew also said "zebra" this morning. I was dressing Scarlett and he was studying her pants. I told him they were striped like a zebra. Then when I put her shirt on and he saw the zebra, he pointed and said it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised - he can repeat pretty much anything we say (we've heard "shoot" and "crap" but nothing worse....YET!). I still don't know why he refused to say "trick or treat" last week - oh well.

Matthew seems to take after me in his love of Reese Cups. He has a lot of Halloween candy, and we have been offering him a piece every night after supper. The first night David asked him if he wanted candy & he said "Reese cup" plain as day. I was amazed. Since then if we offer something he will take it, but if we ask what kind he wants he always tells us "Reese Cup." Maybe he is mine after all!

My final thought for the day - so many times in the middle of a moment I think to myself that I need to blog about that moment, but when I sit down at the computer it's like I can't remember those moments. I guess even a rookie gets writer's block?

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