Wednesday, November 7, 2007

my ponytail

I have been growing my hair out for a while, planning all along to cut it short and donate the ponytail to Locks of Love, but my sister (who happens to work for the American Cancer Society) told me about the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program. They collect hair and have wigs made for cancer patients. So I figured I would donate to that instead. It doesn't really matter - either way the hair is going to a good cause.

I really started my plan because David likes my hair long and I like it short - I wanted to cut it but he was complaining. I have done the whole "it's MY hair" thing in the past, and I really don't worry about what he prefers (for my hair anyway) but I thought it would be an easy compromise. I told him that I would let it grow until it got long enough to donate, then I would cut it short. I figured this way he couldn't give me a hard time about cutting it.

So anyway, I just wanted to take a moment to urge any of you that might have long hair, if you ever decide to cut it, please consider donating your ponytail to one of these groups. It has to be the easiest thing you can do for a charity, it makes you feel good, and most importantly, it helps someone out there that's going through a rough time. I haven't made my appointment to cut mine yet, but once it's done I'll share before & after pics!

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