Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How is it?

How is it that I can run 6.25 miles, but when I take Matthew up the stairs for bed I'm winded?  This is not where I need to be.  This is not where I was a year ago.  I'm ashamed of myself.  I need to do better.  I'll start next week.  Heh.  I said that.  Yep - I'm procrastinating.  Right now I have too much junk food crap in the house I need to start fresh after a good grocery store/produce market run, which won't happen until the weekend.  So I'm starting WW again next week.  I should be able to carry Matthew upstairs & breathe at the same time. 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

hey, I commented on sarah r.'s blog about BG's and the stink. i think I am going to try striping mine this weekend. Sounds like lots of hot washes and rinses is a good way to start. Then adding vinigar in the final rinse (1/2-1cup) is a good way to go. I found lots of info by just searching online. A friend of mine uses oxiclean in every wash, and says hers never stink.

good luck getting the stink out!!!