Thursday, September 17, 2009

Matthew's first day at preschool

Matthew's preschool offers breakfast for parents on the first day so they can all cry together. I think it's silly but thought it would be nice to meet the other moms. My sister gave me a good talking to last night about not making fun of any parents who did happen to be crying and I knew she was right, if I wanted to befriend these women I shouldn't laugh at them, at least not the first time I'm meeting them.

David went in to work a little late so he could walk over with us. We all 4 walked over to the school and as we got close Matthew said he was tired and asked if we would carry him. David picked him up & carried him to the doorsteps and then said, "Ok, now you walk in" (wanting to get pictures, and I had Scarlett), and Matthew went into meltdown mode. "No I'm tired, I want you to carry me." "I don't want to go to school." "I want to go home." on & on. I took the camera & David picked him up & took him in. He kept crying & clinging to David all the way to the door. I didn't want him to upset any other children but we wanted to take him to his classroom. Fortunately when he saw another child go in & he saw all the toys he calmed down IMMEDIATELY & went in without a goodbye to either David or me. Crisis averted. David went to work but I stuck around in the hall for a few minutes to make sure he was settled then I took Scarlett upstairs for the parents' breakfast.

Upstairs I met some other moms & we chatted. The only one that seemed to be struggling with the first day was a mom of 3 and this was her baby. She mentioned knowing having older children how fast it all goes by & that she's just sad it's the last time she's experiencing these things. I can understand that. Hopefully I haven't experienced my last pregnancy, and I already get sad that I won't be pregnant again & again & again. All of the moms seem nice, only one dad stuck around & he seemed nice too. I was disappointed none of them had children Scarlett's age...I was hoping for some playdates & things, and just thought it was be convenient to find someone at Matthew's preschool. Oh well. I'll find her some playmates somewhere else.

Scarlett & I walked home & she played while I started laundry & cleaning up some things. I saw her throw a toy & I reminded her that we don't throw toys in the house. She said "not me, it was bruh-er." It was amazing how instinctual that was, for her to just blame him. When I pointed out that he's not home she started walking around saying "bruh-er, where are ooo?" Pretty cute.

We picked Matthew up and he said he loved school. His teacher said he had a great day. We ran some errands and he talked about his teachers, his new friends, the toys, and the playground. It sounded like he enjoyed it. Then he told me he missed me, David, and Scarlett and that made him sad. I told him that we would be there to pick him up & when he misses us he can tell Mrs. D and she will give him an extra hug.

I think I'll need to take the stroller when we walk over for pick up & drop off though, because today both kids wanted me to carry them home. It's not far but adding 70 lbs of toddlers to the walk makes it seem long!

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