Thursday, August 20, 2009

Matthew's ortho check up

Matthew had an ortho check up yesterday.  He got a good report from the doctor, who always mentions how flat feet are a "side effect" of club foot treatment.  He seems to forget that flat feet run in David's family, so even if Matthew hadn't been treated for club foot he'd probably have flat feet.  The club foot just kind of sealed it. 
Anyway, at our last checkup the doc told us we could stop the bracewear, but the latest studies show that there's a 10-15% chance of relapse in the 4th year of bracewear, and that drops to 6% in the 5th year.  Of course there's no way to predict what children might relapse and which ones won't (if there was then some children might never need the brace), so we're not willing to take any unnecessary chances with Matthew.  He tolerates the shoes very well and until/unless he starts to fight us, I see no reason to stop using them. 
At this appointment the doctor didn't even discourage our continued use.  He even wrote us a script for a new pair of shoes since Matthew has outgrown the current pair. 

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