Friday, February 19, 2010

not ready to conquer the world after all

You ever do something that you thought you couldn't do, and when you do that thing, you just feel like you could conquer anything that gets thrown your way? Last night I felt that. I've been doing gobs of research and finally decided that I should add some speedwork to my running. I run a 10k at the same pace I run 10 miles, and that's not normal. Last night was my first speedwork session. It called for me to warm up, then run 1 mile at a much faster pace than I'm used to, then jog for 1/2 mile, repeat the run & jog, then cool down. I was really negative heading out the door...I can't do this, no way can I run that fast (and let me just add "that fast" was not FAST by any stretch, but I'm SLOW), I'm crazy to try this, etc.

But I did it! I ran those 2 miles at the speed I was supposed to run them, and didn't even feel exhausted when they were over. I put in a total of 5 miles and I felt like I could take on the world. Just because I did something I didn't think I could do. I rocked.

Or so I thought. Fast forward to this afternoon, and when I stood up a little while ago I felt like my left leg was going to crumple. Holy moly shin splints. Those darn things hurt. I've had them before but I don't remember them ever hurting this bad. It actually has me scared. Scared that I'm pushing too hard, scared that I'm overdoing, but most of all, scared that I'm not gonna be ready for this marathon.

Before I conquer the world, maybe I need some smaller goals.
  • First, conquer these shin splints....figure out if it was running fast that caused them, or maybe it's time for a new pair of shoes? Keep better records of my mileage so I know how many miles I've got on them.
  • Second, finish the marathon. Don't worry about the time. That can be a goal for my next marathon. (Yes, I said next.)
  • Third, conquer the world! :)

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