Thursday, October 15, 2009

it's people like this

It's people like this who make me want to tear my eyes out. Here's the story, from AOL:

Mom Has 2 Sets of Twins in 1

A Texas mother has given birth to her second set of twins in less than a year.

Samantha Lopez, of San Antonio, already had two children when she delivered her first set of twins in December, KABB-TV reported. Soon after, she found out she was pregnant again with another set. The babies, a boy and a girl, were born last week.

Lopez and her boyfriend, Lorenzo Saldana, told KABB they are depending on food stamps to support the family because neither can work due to the demands of caring for their six young children. Saldana said he plans to find work when the babies are a bit older. Lopez is a licensed childcare provider.

Seriously? I understand caring for 6 young children would be difficult, but to have baby after baby without having some way to provide for them, BESIDES food stamps?!?! I am glad to know that not only is my husband working hard to provide for his family but he's also working hard to provide for families like this. NOT! We think the economy is shitty now, what would happen if every couple with more than one child at home decided that both parents needed to stay home because the children are demanding? And wouldn't you expect a licensed childcare provider to be able to handle her OWN 6 children without her husband staying home? I can't even find the words I am so outraged over this.

Let me make it clear...I have no problem with people taking government assistance, when it is a valid need. When people work hard and something happens (either a job loss or a health situation, for example) and they need help, they *should* take the help. But people like this who abuse this system really piss me off.

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