Monday, October 26, 2009

code for bad?

Saturday night the church where Matthew goes to preschool had a Halloween Party / Parents' Night Out.  We do not go to church there and the preschool is not affiliated with the church, they just rent the space, but they invited the preschool children and their friends/family so we decided to take advantage of it.  Matthew & Scarlett were so excited to wear their Halloween costumes.  Friday evening we shopped & Scarlett wanted to be a monkey so we decided to just let her wear Matthew's costume from last year (and the year before....I think he would have worn it again this year if it still fit!).  Matthew wanted to be an astronaut but we couldn't find an astronaut costume.  He saw a Thomas the Tank Engine one and said he wanted it.  Then he was distracted by a pirate, then a cowboy, then another pirate.  Finally he saw a firefighter one and when we suggested looking at the others (since he had changed his mind so many times), he was adamant that he wanted to be a fireman and not look anymore.  Scarlett immediately wanted a firefighter helmet so we got Matthew's costume & an extra helment & came home.
Saturday night we dressed them & took them over to the church, got them signed in, got a quick hug & kiss, and they ran off to play, never looking back.  We hung around for a few minutes talking to some other parents but once we saw that the kiddos were having fun & not worried about staying with "strangers" we left.  When we got home, David walked over to pick them up & they were playing in a different room with a couple of other children instead of watching the movie.  The woman who was watching them told him Scarlett was a "bundle of energy."  Just like us southern girls say "bless her heart", isn't that teacher code for "bad?"

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I wouldn't say she was "bad" per say but probably had a lot of energy. They did have a snack time or a time when they had to sit still or anything. My guess is that she was so excited to be there that during those times she wouldn't sit still. So not "bad" just excited to be in a new place and playing with new toys.