Sunday, July 26, 2009

the silent escape

It's no secret that Scarlett is an escape artist.  She first climbed the baby gate when she was about 9 months old.  Unfortunately we live in an old house and most of the doors won't close so we have to use baby gates in some places.  At night each of the kiddos has a gate at their bedroom door.  Scarlett can climb hers, but she usually doesn't unless it's after her nap.  Until this week, when she started climbing it in the mornings too, but it's no problem because she just walks downstairs & finds whoever is awake.  That's fine, as long as there is a grownup awake.  Buuuutttt, this weekend, David's out of town & I'm on my own.  I have a weird thing of not being able to go to sleep when he's not home so Friday night I had been asleep for about 2 hours when Scarlett was beside my bed grabbing me saying "mommy".  A glance at the clock told me it was 5:15 so I put her back in her bed.  Around 6:30 I heard her & Matthew giggling.  She was outside his gate. 
Last night I tried to go to sleep earlier but couldn't...last time I noticed the time it was 3:53.  At 6:20 this morning I heard pitter patter on the stairs.  I got up & she heard me, so she came back up the stairs.  She had my contact lens solution & an empty cup in her hand, both things from our bathroom cabinet.  I made it a point to close the bathroom door last night when I put her down so at least I would hear her if she opened it, but no dice...she was super quiet or else I was really out of it.  She had also gotten into my makeup bag, and had eyeliner and lipstick all up & down her legs.  Nice. 
Obviously I've got some childproofing to do.

1 comment:

My Three Sons said...

I know the feeling. Carson is into everything. The other day he wanted something on top of the fridge so he made stairs out of 12 packs of pop and tried to step up to the counter tha sits next to the fridge. I was so glad I came in there when I did. I have had my perfume sprayed everywhere, my lipstick on the bathroom floor, windex sprayed all over.....does this phase go away soon? LOL

When is the hubby going to be back? I used to be like that but now I'm a single mom and I'm used to being alone in my house. Thunderstorms still keep me awake though.

Take care....