Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Tomorrow morning we leave for a long weekend in Florida.  It was originally going to be at MIL's house but she rented a condo & now several family members are flying in.  Matthew has been asking me every day for a week if we are going to the beach today.  This morning he surprised me by saying "one more day until we go to the beach." 
Memorial Day weekend we weren't very patriotic.  We decided Friday night to go to Canada instead of staying here.  Matthew & Scarlett loved taking the ferry boat and camping.  They enjoy cooking hot dogs over a campfire but prefer their marshmallows straight out of the bag instead of roasted.  We took some nice hikes and enjoyed a quiet weekend away.  It was a much needed and enjoyed break.
We also scored almost last minute tickets to Game 2 of the Stanley Cup this past weekend.  After being frantic about having someone to watch the kiddos, Aunt Bef came through for us yet again...hooking us up with her cousin.  I think she was as nervous about it all as I was, when during the break between periods I said "and this is when I start to wonder how the kids are doing" (just because it's pretty much downtime, so my mind drifts) and she immediately said "I can call him."  Then when he didn't answer, a few minutes later I heard her ask her hubby "should I try him again?"  A marvelous example of why, when she suggested her cousin might be willing & interested, I trusted her word that he would be fine with my kids.  And we had oh so much fun at the game.  Since I'm hoping we'll be back in Georgia later this year, this probably was a once in a lifetime chance for us.  Let's go Wings!
I also finished my first sock last week.  Woohoo!  What a nerd I am.  I'm working on its mate and yesterday bought more sock yarn.  I also received a shipment early this week of natural wool yarn that I plan to dye up myself.  I am so excited about this adventure...I used to love chem lab & one of my favorite textile labs was a dye lab.  I just need to choose what dye colors I should order.....
Running....I did make it to the gym last week to run & I was a little disappointed in how slow I am.  I did 3.1 miles (5k) in just under 36min.  NOT a good pace, but I went last night & did 1.5 miles in 15:15, so a good bit better (and that's counting a warm-up walk at the start).  I only ran 1.5 miles because I wanted to go to the step class and I didn't get there early enough to run more & get to class.  I would have gotten back on the treadmill after class if I hadn't wanted to kiss the kids goodnight.  I was really amazed at how great I felt last night.  Plan to run on the beach the next few days.  :) 

1 comment:

My Three Sons said...

Florida sounds like a great time. I think we are hitting South Dakota this year so no ocean for me.

Have fun and take lots of pictures!