Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween & random

We took the kids trick or treating Saturday evening. We carved a jack o'lantern and tried to take their picture in their costumes. Matthew wouldn't look at me - he kept looking at David. David said "Matthew look at mommy." Matthew said "I want to look at you too." David said "No look at mommy." Matthew replied "Well I have two eyes I will look at both of you." David then moved to stand behind me and we tried to explain that your eyes can't look different directions at the same time.

We reminded the kids before we left home to say "thank you" when they got treats but at the second house we visited the lady was giving out bags of potato chips. Scarlett said "thank you" but Matthew held the bag up to the woman and said "I don't like these. I want some candy instead." I wanted the ground to swallow me up I was so embarrassed. When we left that house & got down the straight we promptly had the "you say thank you even if you don't like it" talk. I hated I didn't think of it before we left the house. Then when we started home Matthew asked if he could eat his candy. David told him he could have one piece and he said "can I eat my chip?" ARGH - that boy.

Tuesday Matthew got the show & tell bag at school. He was SO excited over it & immediately told me he wanted to put "puff" in it. Puff is a stuffed animal I slept with until I got married and now he's Matthew's. When we got home from school I had to help him get Puff in the bag. At naptime he wanted to sleep with Puff IN the bag. I told him no because I was worried the handles could be a choking hazard. He agreed to take Puff out of the bag to nap but immediately upon waking up we put Puff back in the bag. Today he was thrilled to take Puff to school to show his classmates.

This morning Scarlett & I played outside for a little while when Matthew was at school. We haven't raked leaves yet so she was running through them & would roll around in them. She had a blast. She loved scooping up big hand fulls & throwing them at me. Hopefully all of them will fall out of the trees before this weekend so we can do our raking & both kids can really enjoy playing in them.

I have a new project for tonight. I'm going to dye some yarn. I've been planning it for a while but didn't have all the supplies I needed. Well I finally have them & can't wait to play with chemicals in my kitchen. Seriously - I'll be putting my degree to work in a whole new way. :)

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