Monday, November 9, 2009

my big boy

Matthew is growing up so fast, a little more every day. It is amazing to watch him grow. Last week we got a couple of Christmas toy catalogs in the mail. As I thumbed through the mail while we ate lunch, he noticed them and said "mommy I want to look at the toy book." I promised him we'd look after naptime. After his nap he reminded me, and we sat down on the couch together with the catalogs. He pointed at each & every toy, on each & every page, and said "oh mommy I want that" or "what's that?" and then when I answered "well I want one of those." So cute! I remember anxiously looking through the toy catalogs as a little girl & I didn't think he was old enough for it, but he sure seemed to enjoy it.

He doesn't watch a lot of tv (especially that isn't PBS) but a couple of weeks ago I turned on Tom & Jerry for him and he loved it. But he called me during the commercials screaming "I want one of those!" and when I got in the room he told me by name what toy he wanted. The commercial was over so I rewound to watch it, and then told him that his birthday & Christmas were coming up so maybe he would get one. I wrote down the toy so I wouldn't forget. Several times since then he has mentioned it, without seeing a commercial, so I felt sure he would get one. Then he saw it in the toy ad & said "that's the toy I've always wanted."

Yesterday David took them shopping while I did some housework, and when they got home Matthew told me he saw a lobster claw and he wanted it but he didn't have his money. He asked if we could get his money & go back to the store to buy it. I was confused and asked David what was up...David explained & I told Matthew we would go back today. Apparently this toy was on the clearance aisle and Matthew asked for it. David told him he didn't have his money so Matthew asked if he could come home & get his boat (which is his piggy bank) and go back. David told him he had a Santa Claus gift card (yeah he got it last year for Christmas & we haven't taken him shopping yet) he could use instead of his money. This morning we got his gift card & went back. Walked up & down the clearance aisle 3 times...couldn't find the lobster claw. Matthew was upset, but I told him we'd look in the toy section. He seriously had his bottom lip out! They did have the other toy he had asked for....regular price $59.99, on the clearance aisle for $35. He played with that for a few minutes, then got back in the buggy so we could go to the toy section & look for the lobster claw. Meanwhile, I look & his gift card was for $35, so I decided if we couldn't find the lobster claw, I'd let him buy the other toy. I called David when we couldn't find the lobster claw in the toy dept either and asked him exactly where it was. He told me & we went back & found it. Matthew was so happy.

I was also able to sneak the other toy in & buy it without him knowing it. :) When we got to the checkout he was pretty impatient and was trying to give the cashier the toy & his gift card all at once, before the customer in front of us was finished. I talked to him about patience and waiting our turn, and he settled down. He was so cute paying for his toy all by himself. Hopefully he is learning lessons too...but I'm not sure a gift card is the best way. Probably would have been better to use paper money, but we had the gift card, KWIM?

It's small things but things I wasn't expecting to happen quite yet. I wasn't ready for him to shop and pay for something, I wasn't ready for him to pick out toys from the catalog! I'm not ready, but it's coming anyway!

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