Monday, April 30, 2007

Love and healthy eating

Our vacation turned out to be not much of a vacation. Midway through our trip we got a call that David's grandmother passed away. Then we had to try to scramble and change travel arrangements so we could get to Tennessee. I feel so sad for David's grandpa - he is 91 years old and they have been married 70 years. That is an entire lifetime and now he is alone. His mind is not great but I know he feels the pain of losing her and I think it might be extra hard because sometimes he forgets she is gone and then when he remembers it is like losing her all over again. It's so sad you don't want to go through it, but the only way to avoid it is not to love, and that wouldn't be much of a life now would it?

And now about eating - I have said all along that I wanted to teach Matthew to eat healthier than we do, and I think so far I've done a pretty good job. He loves fruit, eats most vegetables, and isn't crazy about meat. He also hasn't had a lot of sweets yet so he isn't developing a taste for them too much. He is usually pretty well behaved at the table too...yes, he does the "throw food in the floor" and "rub food in my head" things, but I think that's normal for his age. One thing that really bugs me when we spend time at David's mema's is that she gives him food to walk around the house with. This really isn't a habit I want to start, but how do I "correct" her? I watch my nephew, who half the time won't even come to the table, and see how she complains about how he eats, and then when I see her give Matthew food anywhere in the house, I think to myself that is probably how my nephew's behavior got started. If you teach children it is ok to eat not at the table, then why should you expect them to eat at the table?

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