Friday, February 8, 2008

Foot doctor

Matthew had an ortho appointment yesterday to check his feet. He is so good about going to the doctor, and we were excited because this is a new to this area doctor. We were driving almost 3 hours one way for check-ups, now we will drive 15 minutes. A resident examined Matthew first and thought his feet looked good, but he said the doctor would check too. When the doctor checked he agreed - he watched Matthew walk & was very happy with the way he looked walking & with what he felt in the exam. He mentioned that they are using a different kind of brace than what we have and he would like us to switch over. Matthew has outgrown his shoes so it was time for a new one anyway - I am excited that he'll be getting the newer kind - it is supposed to be easier to use & more comfortable to wear. That and most of the kids walk in it! While we were waiting on someone from the orthotics shop to come measure his feet, he insisted I take my shoes off and then he examined my feet. He pressed here & there, twisted and turned... it was pretty cute. I asked him if he wanted to be a foot doctor and he said yes.

Scarlett is lil miss independent - she wants to feed herself. She isn't too fond of any baby food we've tried to far, but if I let her hold the spoon she eats better than if I try to hold it. She's tight-lipped when I try, but opens wide & gobbles up when she has the spoon. When she eats the food off the spoon she does one of two things...either she sucks and chews on the spoon or she throws it down and screams for another bite. I've taken to feeding her with two spoons so I always have one ready to go when she finishes the first.

This weekend my MIL is visiting. I'm guessing that means David & I will go out, but I think it will be a daytime date since he has something going on tomorrow night & we figured we didn't want to leave the kids tonight since MIL will have just gotten in.

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