Thursday, June 26, 2008

has it really been a year?

One year ago today, Scarlett made her grand entrance. You can read all about it here. I am so weepy today. Her first birthday seems to be affecting me a lot more than Matthew's did, I guess because by the time he turned one I was pregnant with her, so I knew I would soon go through all the "baby things" again. I also think the day was more exciting - with Matthew I was induced, there weren't any of those "is this is?" moments - I was hooked up to an IV and monitors the entire time. With Scarlett, there was no time for an IV or just happened. I actually remember David pausing from packing my bag and saying "this is exciting" - he really was so excited. Not to say we weren't excited with Matthew, we were THRILLED to have him, and very excited when we finally went to the hospital to have him, it was just different, and hard to put into words.

I did find a "timeline" of the morning Scarlett was born that I had put in an email to a friend, so I'll share that here this morning:

  • 4:15am - contractions started

  • 9:53am - called David to come home from work (I know this from looking back at my cell phone later)

  • 10:38am - IM'd friend who was going to watch Matthew (had talked with her earlier but IM'd her to let her know we were heading to the hospital)

  • 10:57am - called my parents to head here to take care of Matthew (again, from cell phone time log) - we were on our way to the hospital

  • 11:20am - got to hospital

  • 11:38am - Scarlett's official birth time

Happy Birthday Princess!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday baby girl!!!!!!!

IdleMindOfBeth said...

Happy Brithday Lil Miss! Aunt Bef loves ya!